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Find Peace Instead of Panic: 5 Relaxation Techniques for Anxiety

Anxiety is stress dialed up to 100, and it is a condition that everyone faces — when it seems impossible to shake off that stress and anxiety, it may be time to consider reaching out to a professional for help, and finding practices that help soothe your mind. Coping with stress can be done with a few relaxation tips that will leave you feeling at peace instead of filled with panic.

There are various breathing exercises along with mindfulness meditation that are powerful relaxation techniques for anxiety relief. But first, we need to understand how the breathing process works and how it affects our bodies.

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The head of a blonde woman lying in a field of grass

What Is Holotropic Breathwork?

Breathing: The Gateway to the Unconscious Mind

Therapists are continuously looking for new and effective ways to help their clients work through and transcend their trauma while minimizing the amount of emotional pain experienced in the process. One tool reviewed in literature as a possible approach in counseling and therapy is holotropic breathing.

What is the goal of holotropic breathwork? The idea of using altered breathing patterns or breathwork in therapy can allow you to tap into parts of the brain and central nervous system that are usually inaccessible. Altered breathing (such as that experienced during sleep cycles) can even change the speed of our brain waves!

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Age regression in a young woman

Understanding and Managing Trauma With Age Regression Therapy

Traumatic experiences can happen to any of us, and they affect each person differently. In particular, traumatic events in which severe physical harm or death was imminent or occurred can trigger feelings of stress and panic that last for weeks, months, even years afterward.

When the aftershocks of the trauma continue to cause distress, pain, and anxiety for more than one month following the incident, the phenomenon is referred to as post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD. Often, trauma we experience in our youth may be completely locked away in our minds, depending on its severity, and manifests later in life through mental health issues or physical health issues.

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Picture of healthy fruit with heart cut outs

How to Change Your Relationship with Food Mindfully

Food and our relationship to it shapes how we live our daily lives. Sometimes, it’s easy, and we look forward to meals, can balance our diet, and use food to support a balanced lifestyle. Sometimes, we disconnect, form habits around food that may or may not be healthy, and turn to food as a treatment for deeper underlying issues. This disconnect is a mind-body disconnect and a lack of mindfulness. The severity of the latter can be what leads or has lead to eating disorders.

When you or a loved one are struggling with eating disorders and you’re wondering how to change your relationship with food, read on here to understand more about yourself and your eating habits. Remember to reach out to your primary care provider and/or primary psychologist if you feel that you or your loved one is at risk.

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woman at sunset by the beach

5 Tips for Creating Good Life Habits

Creating Healthy Habits

If you examine your daily habits, it’s probably obvious that you have some good ones and some bad ones. These habits develop through repetition and personal reinforcement, so changing any of them requires the same repetition to make them stick. While it’s good that you have healthy habits, there are probably a few that you want to change or add to your life to develop a healthy lifestyle routine. Ready to learn about creating good habits and clearing the not-so-good? Read on today for top tips and advice from the experts at Miami Hypnosis & Therapy.

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All About Mental Health & Psychological Safety in the Workplace

Every business owner, company leader, and human resources representative wants their employees to succeed. From casual Fridays …

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About Treating Schizophrenia with Hypnotherapy

We’d like to preface this blog article by saying that schizophrenia is a severe mental health disorder requiring psychiatric …

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What Does Hypnotherapy Do?

Wondering how hypnosis therapy actually works? With media portrayals of hypnosis exaggerating and taking creative liberties …