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How to Change Your Relationship with Food Mindfully

Food and our relationship to it shapes how we live our daily lives. Sometimes, it’s easy, and we look forward to meals, can balance our diet, and use food to support a balanced lifestyle. Sometimes, we disconnect, form habits around food that may or may not be healthy, and turn to food as a treatment for deeper underlying issues. This disconnect is a mind-body disconnect and a lack of mindfulness. The severity of the latter can be what leads or has lead to eating disorders.

When you or a loved one are struggling with eating disorders and you’re wondering how to change your relationship with food, read on here to understand more about yourself and your eating habits. Remember to reach out to your primary care provider and/or primary psychologist if you feel that you or your loved one is at risk.

Our Entanglements with Food

For many, food is used for so much more than just refueling. You may be approaching it for solace, celebration, obligation, or a number of other reasons. Even your mood can affect what and when you eat. In fact, depending on the day, how much you eat varies drastically. You could be overeating, undereating, or simply eating unwisely because of all these external factors. How to change your relationship with food starts with understanding your food triggers.

Observe Your Hunger & When You Feel Hungry

Notice when you feel hungry. Whether you’re eating because the clock says so or you’re suppressing your appetite because you’re too busy, it’s time to be more mindful of what your body is telling you. Take your daily situations out of the equation and pay attention to when you’re actually feeling hunger. Consider starting a journal to note the fluctuations of your mood and how that may relate to when you feel the need to eat when it’s not a mealtime.

Habits Around Cravings & Comfort Food

For most of us, fast food and junk have made their insidious ways into our diet, ensuring we crave them many times a week. It’s called “comfort food” for a reason! In an attempt to avoid these, many people turn to dieting. While diets will tell you what to eat, they’re often restrictive, and it’s easy to fall into a cycle of eating too much or too little

So, how do we change your relationship with food? It’s time to step out of this pattern and reconnect with your body.

When you release yourself from judgement and guilt, you have a chance to actually taste the food you’re eating. And while yes, ice cream tastes really good, you may realize that you actually enjoy nourishing choices like fruits, vegetables, and even quinoa.

Food as Reward and Punishment

Relationship with Food Mindfully
It’s not a surprise that many adults use food as the carrot or the stick in their daily lives. Food has long been a well-known reward system or a punishment system, either as sweets for dinner or a reprimand for not eating all your food as part of the “clean plate club.” Is it possible to change such a deep seated association? We think so. If you really want to learn how to change your relationship with food, this is crucial.

It’s Time to Get Help

If you’re struggling with your approach to food, we are here for you. At Miami Hypnosis & Therapy, we have years of experience working with those who suffer from eating disorders or anxiety and depression associated with food. Reach out today to learn how we can help. Take the first steps to transform your mind and mind-body connection!

Anna Marchenko

Anna Marchenko, LMHC, M.A., Ed.M. is the principal therapist at Miami Hypnosis and Therapy. She holds a bachelor's degree from NYU and dual masters degrees from Columbia University. Marchenko’s hypnosis certification is from the only hypnosis program in Florida that has been certified by the state’s Board of Education. She helps her clients by utilizing an integrative approach to psychotherapy, tailored to each individual’s mental health journey, drawing from hypnotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, NLP therapy, EMDR, and more.

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