Sign that says Possible and Impossible

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy that combines analysis of thought process (cognitive) with behavior. The ultimate goal of CBT is to change negative patterns of thinking or behavior to allow for more positive emotions.

CBT helps to make sense of unbearable problems by breaking them down into smaller, easier-to-handle parts. These problems are broken down into five primary areas:

  1. Thoughts
  2. Emotions
  3. Feelings, including physical
  4. Situations
  5. Actions or behaviors

CBT sessions acknowledge that all five areas are all connected and affect one another. For example, your thoughts about a given situation can affect you emotionally and physically, which then leads to how you respond in your action or behavior.

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New Years Resolution text on Scrabble game pieces

A Therapist’s Guide to New Years Resolutions Tips for Optimal Mental Health

Making resolutions at the end of the year has become a societal expectation, and one that often leads to disappointment when those expectations aren’t realistic. Stating a goal to ourselves and others should be empowering, but if the change we want to make seems too complicated, we can end up feeling defeated.

The new year means a fresh start, and clients often seek to improve their health by eating better and working out more, so they sign up at a gym. After a few workouts, they stop going and then feel bad because they made a resolution but did not stick to it. Enter the spiral of defeat. Let us help you define healthier ways to pursue New Years’ Resolutions for your mental health.

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