4 Tips to Get Inspired & Motivated for a New Year
In the winter months when the days are short, feeling uninspired is common. You can find yourself in a rut that may be hard to break. But, the New Year is also a perfect time to find new motivation to change old habits, get projects accomplished, and reach new goals. If you have the motivation for little things, like eating and going to work, then you can build that inspiration to help you get other things done. Here are some tips on getting motivated that are backed by science and psychologists. Motivation starts with a simple desire, and then builds momentum with intrinsic or extrinsic forces, such as rewards and gratification.
Tips on Getting Motivated
Break Big Goals Into Small Achievements
Psychologists recognize motivation fluctuates for every individual. Sometimes, a large project can seem like a great idea, but after starting the project, we get overwhelmed and give up. When your goal is big, a good tip on getting motivated is to break that goal or project down into smaller tasks. For example, if your project is to build a greenhouse, your first task may be to gather the supplies to get started. After that, you can plan how it will be designed, lay the foundation, and start framing, etc. Each step will take a smaller amount of time that will move you closer to the end goal — realizing yourself growing lovely plants inside your very own greenhouse.
Remember Your Potential
It’s easy to doubt ourselves and our potential to complete goals. Some great tips on getting motivated include remembering our past accomplishments and reminding ourselves that we can do it if we put the effort in. Think about that project in school you aced, a sports game you helped your team win, a great job you landed, and all the accomplishments you’ve made in life that put you in the position you’re in now. Remind yourself about where your strengths lie, and remember that it’s ok to ask for help from others to help you along the way.
Prioritize Your Goals
Psychologists state motivation starts with the most basic of needs, like finding food, water, and shelter. Sometimes people start with many goals and projects they want to accomplish, but too many goals can leave your attention spread thin and lead to nothing getting finished. Our tips on getting motivated include prioritizing your goals, just as nature sometimes forces us to do. Once you’ve established a job to provide food and shelter, what is the next most important goal for your health, family, or your social needs?
Reward Yourself for Accomplishments
If gratification isn’t enough, rewarding yourself is a great tip on getting motivated. If you’re trying to diet and exercise to lose weight, it’s ok to give yourself a little reward in moderation, like a small piece of delicious angel food cake for dessert. If you’re trying to knock items off your home improvement list, acknowledge each step toward your goal as a success. Sometimes, when you’re feeling uninspired, reframing the path toward your goal as part of the goal can help.
Causes of Low Motivation
If you have symptoms of depression, anxiety, ADHD, or other mental health conditions, these can be the cause of your low motivation and lack of energy. It can also be caused by a hormone imbalance, occupational burnout, or emotional exhaustion. For many of these causes, treatment usually involves medication and/or psychotherapy. Medication can help you with physical imbalances, while psychotherapy helps you identify and change behavior patterns.
If you’ve tried these tips on getting motivated and are still feeling uninspired, it may be time to consult your physician and a local therapist. Miami Hypnosis and Therapy provides hypnotherapy and counseling for a wide range of issues including depression, anxiety, family and relationship issues, antisocial behavior, and more that can leave you with a lack of motivation. Call today to book your first session.
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